I wanted to share with everyone my first real experience with my mobile studio. I shoot with Canon equipment so the numbers and names that I rattle off will be Canon related generally. My mobile set up consists of 1-580EX II, 1-580EX and 2-430EX's, light stands, shoot through and bounce umbrellas. I also used my mobile backdrop system on this shoot as well. I am using a Canon 40D paired with the 580EX II mounted on camera as a master. This combination lets me control the other flashguns completely from the menus in the camera body itself. This was also my first time really trying this new wireless system out and I was very pleased with the outcome. Both Mark and I have similar set ups and are very happy with the capabilities of the small strobes and feel confident that they will keep the clients very happy. The model in the picture is my sister Theana whom was very patient with Mark and I as we "honed" our strobist
style skills and the look in her face is 100% genuine. Talk about rolling your eyes. That is what makes this picture to me, how real her expression was. This was all done in the living room of a house with natural and ambient light coming in from all directions and is why I wanted to test it there to see how well the small strobes would perform and control the lighting.

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